


(景观 选择园艺公司.)

The world can wait: these soothing landscapes calm the mind and cast a spell.

长久以来,花园都与宁静联系在一起. 平缓翠绿的斜坡, deeply piled lawns and meandering footpaths have a therapeutic effect on the mind and soul. 想想佛教和日式园林吧, where ancient Zen principles of peaceful contemplation and simply enjoying stillness are embedded in the landscape. The following oases provide a reprieve from life’s usual frenetic pace, 提供安静的时刻郁郁葱葱的美丽.


舒马赫的公司“光荣的正式花园”, 以上, 太有秩序了,不像禅宗, a philosophy that holds fast to the belief that perfection doesn’t exist (have they 见过 这个花园?). Still, it most definitely has a stop-and-smell-the-roses effect on the onlooker. 我们喜欢树篱的几何形状挡住了花朵的色彩, 还有恳求你绕着它的庭院走一圈的石径. The water feature focal point at center is both an audible and visual delight.


The design of this exquisite 角 Cod vista by 舒马赫的公司 makes all who gather here feel that they’re the only ones in the world. 圆形硬景观, 在它自己的高地上, has a remarkable air of privacy even though it’s configured in a wide-open setting. Flanked with flowerbeds on one side and the shoreline’s natural thicket on the other, this manicured terrace—its grass peeking out from the stone—is the perfect perch to enjoy both the sea and the grounds.


以上设计由 里昂景观与建筑 因为在纳汉特的房子也很欣赏海景. It was fashioned as a sort of stolen Eden in an informal part of the yard and is secluded but not showy. Native New England fieldstone steppers lead to a limestone bench just beyond the trees and by the hosta. The landscape features small shrubs and perennials to keep the focus on the view.


布鲁克林的房子, 里昂景观与建筑 created a freestanding stone turret upon the impeccable yard’s highest elevation. 在这里 the goal was to build a private space and sitting area that makes the homeowner feel that they’re far away from urban life. The turret boasts natural New England fieldstone with a slate roof and is carved with an archway to frame the view from the interior’s custom stone benches.


This picturesque patio of a country farmhouse overlooking the Sudbury River is rustic and restful. The multi-toned hardscape is as hypnotizing as the unspoiled greenery beyond the wall of the terrace. 对于硬景观, 一片草 chose a full-color natural bluestone hardscape that pairs well with the swaths of vivid green scrub before it. 火速的绣球花将这两个场景架起了桥梁, and a reclaimed granite fire pit ensures that the two wicker chairs are often occupied.


This lushly layered woodland retreat in Chestnut Hill bordering a forest of conservation land was created in lieu of a lawn by 一片草. The arcadian setting was crafted to extend the home’s living spaces to the great outdoors. It contains a few garden seats from which to drink in the shaded landscape that mingles moss-laden New England fieldstone steppers with beds brimming with hosta ‘gold standard,日本画眉蕨类植物, fothergilla, 雪莲草和斑驳的红枝茱萸.


在这里, 另一种观点显示了更多相同的绿叶调色板, 还有日本枫树, birch and boxwood and a limpid koi pond dotted with water hyacinths.


虽然不是一家景观公司, 沃波尔在户外 is committed not only to outdoor living spaces, but to “outdoor lifestyles.” The handcrafted arbor 如上图所示 is a vision in soft gray, 以及这座灵感迸发的直线型花园的至高无上的荣耀. 这个凉亭提供隐私, is nestled into the whitewashed brick walls and is customized with a bench—inviting residents to stay awhile to bask in the beauty of the blossoms and fountain.


Even a simple ornamental detail like 沃波尔在户外’ arched cedar bridge, 如上图所示, 能给你的风景带来翻天覆地的变化吗. Consider what that Japanese footbridge meant to Monet and the gardens of Giverny. Used decoratively or functionally to cross a property’s stream or pond, 一座桥不仅赏心悦目, it also serves as a gentle reminder that your grounds are meant for walking.


The rustic whole timber pergola 以上 lends a natural majesty to a woodsy outdoor space and gives prominence to a pathway. Think of 沃波尔在户外’ pergola as a grown-up version of a treehouse, as it provides a bit of shade and adds an architectural component to the landscape. 它还邀请常青藤, clematis and other climbing vines to ascend its frame to form a vertical garden.


If your tranquil greenspace is a still budding vision, 选择园艺公司., 占地38英亩的兰开斯特苗圃,以其完美的树木而闻名, plants and shrubs can work with you to bring it to full flourish. They’ve tapped only the most trusted growers for an unparallleled assortment of specimen trees, 常青树, 落叶灌木, 以及遮荫和观赏植物. Their nursery’s pros are also keenly aware of the benefits of those quiet moments where we stop long enough to admire a flower’s delicate bloom or walk among the trees.

